The Pioneers in North America to offer a fragmentable bag
In 2004, Natursac was among the first manufacturers in North America and mainly in Canada to offer a fragmentable bag using oxodegradable technology and DW2 additives. The bag is transparent and the inscriptions are printed with water-based ink, which avoids using solvent and heavy metals.

Bag with straps
Natursac shopping bags are intended for restaurants, farmers markets and grocery stores. They are also a practical and great addition to your promotional activities if you wish to customize
Learn more...Garbage bag
NaturSac offers oxodegradable garbage bags in rolls, thus avoiding overwrapping. Three formats are available
Learn more...Compost bag
Approximately 30% to 40% of landfill waste is organic matter. By collecting and composing leftover food, you can reduce greenhouse gases and create a 100% natural fertilizer. NaturSac offers its BPI Certified compostable bags that complies with ASTM D6400 standards, always in rolls to eliminate the Over-packaging. Three formats are offered.
Learn more...Excrement bag
Did you know that the 800 000 dogs in Quebec produce about 64 tons of poop per day? Walking on the street sometimes looks like a real course of the fighter, so that's why NaturSac thought of our very dear little beasts!
Learn more...Bag for daycare and CPE
For the collection of diapers, soiled garments of our tiny, short, this bag is very useful to keep everything that could be damp or fragrant separate from the rest
Learn more...Compostable tableware
Soon a complete range of personalized and Certified compostable tableware will be offered
Learn more...Bag for aquatic center and spa
Useful to keep everything that could be damp apart from the rest
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